Friday, November 26, 2010

"We only show affection to dogs and horses."

Today, after watching way too much TV and reading way too much of my classic novel, I would like to share with you my simply philosophy on life. It stands thus: British is Better.

And I know that there are some of you out there rolling your eyes and claiming its only because of the accent, but I'm serious here. British is Better.

Let's take literature for an example. What do we get from England? Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, J.K. Rowling and soo many others. What do we get from America? Stephanie Meyer, and way too many comic books for our own good. British literature has ACTUAL CREATIVE PLOT LINES, while all we can spend our time doing is creating Marvel universes that don't make sense.

Another good example is television. American television is filled with reality TV shows that we can't seem to get rid of, and endless mundane Disney Channel plots. Watch that next to a British mystery, and you are bound to feel the culture difference. British TV makes you think. I can draw endless parallels between my favorite British television show and my religion, for crying out loud!! I think I would struggle to find parallels between my religion, and Miley's latest boyfriend crisis.

How 'bout we try history and culture? America is a hodge-podge of other cultures, with hardly anything we can really call our own. We have a history that goes back 400 years, and not really anything 'American' before that. The British have a history that goes back thousands of years. They can tell you what they were doing while the Romans were in charge, and they can count back their kings to before 1000 AD. They were the bosses for hundreds of years, not just because they had the most money, but because they had the most amount of awesome. (Okay, I sort of made that last one up, but you have to admit it is totally true.)

And, I knew I said I wouldn't talk about this, but lets face it. They talk like heaven. Not just the accents, but the words they use. Telly instead of television, memory sticks instead of thumb drives, the awesomeness is just never ending. Rubbish, missiles, blimey, boot of the car. It just goes on and on and on.

So, yes, I may be American but I firmly believe that British is Better.( And yes, both B's are capitalized. There's just not really a choice here.) Nothing can stop my ambition to be British.

P.S. Look up. To your right. Do you see it? It's a lovely addition to my blog methinks. The little fishies are just so cute. If you are a charitable soul, you can feed them by clicking on their tank. If you aren't a charitable soul, I banish you from my blog. For those of you unbanished children, i'm taking votes on what you think that their names should be. Sorry, I've already decided that the darkest one is names Milo, but the rest is wide open to naming. I'd love to hear your ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Oops, sorry. There is a name change pertaining to the fish. The Aquarius Naming Committee has so dubbed the lightest one Mr. Holmes. But if you hurry up and put your input in, you can still help name the other two!
