Monday, November 29, 2010

6 out of 7 pages done-ish!

So, for my Humanities project (yeah, it's seven pages long. I'm kind of ready to kill Mrs. Gessel) we had to create a piece of art in the same style of the artist that we did. Well, my assigned artist was Shakespeare and I got assigned sonnets. So guess what? I wrote a sonnet of my very own.

I know. You're surprised aren't you?

Anyway, so since I liked it I thought that perhaps it could have a place up here. It's about Shakespeare, because I couldn't think of a better subject. Enjoy!

Of the Bard, much controversy is said

Whether another wrote what bears his name

What he liked, and what went on in his head

If his birth and death are one and the same

But when views are laid aside for a while

And the works alone are carefully seen

Our tone can no longer be so hostile

To make the genius seem quite so obscene

The words, put together, make something rare

A vision of life, a dream beyond sense

An image of grace, beyond the compare

Of the so called experts, so I shall thence

Think well of the man, despite all I’ve heard

And from now on be called, an English nerd.

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