Sunday, June 30, 2013


I will go and do*
or will I stay
Some know the path
without trial
but there are so many ways
two paths diverged in a wood*
one is less traveled by
which makes all the difference
but which one is mine?
the things which the Lord has commanded
are different for me
than for you
To camp is not for me
but my wilderness is just as long
one path has better claim
though worn about the same
who’s to tell which path
leads to which end
for I know that the Lord giveth
to those that asketh
but His time is certainly
not mine and I worry
with the wait
we must keep one for another
day, although the two paths
will never meet again
I do not know the difference
no commandment unto the children of men save
He knows the path
but in the road, I’ll stop and turn*
some of us like the know where
we put our feet
The path no step had trodden
back is a harder hike
not just because you must fight
but you do not know the path
He shall prepare a way
for listeners
for believers
for heart-heavy foot stomping breath-holding plungers
who ask to shoot out the lights*
Looking down both paths is
good, for He understands the fear
But sighing ages hence, which
will have made the difference?
for them that they may accomplish the thing
that He has planned
that they must do
the thing that He knows
is absolute best
I took the one
It has made all the difference
not how worn the road
but how right the road
which He has commanded them
not all commandments
are the same
not all woodland paths

publish equal claim

*1 Nephi 3:7
*"The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost, poem
* "Homeward Bound", Marta Keen, song
* "Shoot Out the Lights", Ron Pope, song

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