Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wow.... Slackerface

I have recently realized that perhaps I have not been exactly diligent in posting on this blog. BUT this will change! I have now redesigned my blog (If you hadn't noticed, look around you. Things look different. In the most awesome sense.) and because of this I am now feeling more motivated to post weekly! "How long will this last?" you may ask. My reply to you: "I dunno."

Anyway, today I watched the Emma Smith movie for the first time. For those of you who haven't seen it, I encourage you to. It really was a life changing experience. To see a woman who has been through so much and stayed so strong in the gospel is amazing to me. I'll admit that I cried at least a little bit. Tell me if you haven't seen it, and we will watch it together.

My favorite part of the movie was at the very end. While laying on her deathbed, Emma spoke these final words: "Joseph... Joseph... I'm coming."



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