Thursday, April 5, 2012

TT#4: This is the Christ

I know that Christ is my Savior. I know He cares for my every need. He feels all my pain and He will always be there to comfort me. I know that when I need Him, He will never forsake me. He would have died for me and only me.

He is my Redeemer and my King.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

TT #3: Will you meet me halfway?

Wow. I'm kind of disappointed that I already missed one day. I thought this was going to be such a good idea, but then I failed. Oh well! I shall try again!

The Lord will bless you for doing your best. If you try your hardest, He will know it. You may no get exactly what you want, but your efforts will not go unrecognized or unrewarded. He cares about you, and He knows your struggles. Consequently, He knows my successes. He knows what it took me to get there, and how much it means to me. And for that, I am so grateful.


Monday, April 2, 2012

TT #2: looking forward with faith

I know that if I ask Him, the Lord will guide my life. I signed up for housing today at byu, and although I am terrified that I will soon be entering that stage of my life, I know that it is what I am supposed to be doing.

The Lord has a plan for me, and for everyone. Our job is to find it out so we can follow it.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

TT #1: The days of our lives

Today's post (and subsequent others to follow after it) results from a challenge I have made to myself. I'm horrible at posting regularly, because I often think that I can only post if I have something funny of clever to say. Because of this, I don't actually say many meaningful things on this blog.

The result: Testimony Today (aka TT). For the month of April, I promise to post something everyday, and bear my testimony about something different. I hope the Spirit will be present in my writing and that you can understand just how much of a difference the gospel makes in my life.

Third term just ended, and the Lord has truly proved to me that if I keep his commandments, He will bless me.

I have a 4.0 cumulative GPA. I'm promise I'm not trying to brag, because the fact that I have a 4.0 isn't the most amazing thing. A 4.0 is good but not as good as keeping the Lord's commandments.

I have never completed a single homework assignment on Sunday. I have never studied for a test. Since I was little, my mum taught me that Sunday was a day for the Lord, therefore, we put the schoolwork away.

I honestly know no other reason for the fact that I have a 4.0 than that the Lord has blessed me immensely. (It certainly wasn't because of my hard work. Or lack thereof.)The Church is true. The Lord will bless those who keep His commandments beyond their ability to comprehend.

P.S. General Conference is AWESOME!!!!! Spiritual overload for two days? I think yes.
