Thursday, November 18, 2010

7 Hours

What would you do if joy was 7 hours away?

Would you go?

Would you stay?

Would the journey seem to long?

Would you just hope and pray it would happen, and then go back to life like nothing ever changed?

What if it wasn't lasting joy? What if it was just that one thing that you really have always wanted to do? Something to tell your grandkids about. An opportunity you would probably never have again. Not a chance. Could you take that chance?

What if you weren't even sure if it would work? You might not find what you were looking for. But you might.Would the hope be enough to keep you going? Or would the reality be too much for your dreams?

You have one chance to get there. To drop everything and run. Run towards joy.

7 hours. Would you take the chance?

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding? Joy has to come to ME. I'm not going to go out searching it!
    Yeah, I Think I'd go. I'm irresponsible like that ;)
